Tuesday 5 July 2016

Motorbike Seat covers Protect Your Investment

The most used part of your motorbike is the seat. Seats get worn out, sun faded, torn, cracked, stained or discolored. The foam itself can get brittle or thin.

We are ACM seats in Melbourne, Australia. All we do are seats so we are the best. We install Corbin seat covers which we feel are the best custom seat covers made. Corbin takes into account how you ride before its makes a seat. That way you are comfortable, your motorbike is easier and therefore more fun to ride.

It is a very simple fix to get your seat re-upholstered. We can re-cover your motorcycle or scooter seat. We can also re-do the foam. Over time, your motorbike seats may feel more uncomfortable than you remember. This is because of low density foam. A little denser foam won't flatten out as fast.

A common repair we do is re-shaping the motorbike seats. This can greatly impact the ergonomics and even safety of your motorbike. If you can't reach the ground comfortably, you need us to fix your seat.

If you have a vinyl seat, it will get worn out. We can upgrade you to leather, re-do the vinyl, or do textured vinyl.
A seat upgrade is a great way to improve the quality of your motorbike seats.